The example levels above correlate to the levels of seniority in the Australian Public Service (APS), but you will see similar levels and classifications in all Governments in Australia.
Generally speaking, advancing within your section of the pyramid (i.e. from level 3 to level 4, or from Executive Level 1 to Executive Level 2) is easier to achieve that advancing to the next rung on the career pyramid (if you’ll excuse the mixed metaphor).
Pay scales can help – but are not always a useful method of calculating where you fit, either. We have seen equal numbers of under-qualified and over-qualified candidates land a job in the public service, only to end up stressed and disillusioned, or bored out of their brains.
The best advice we can give here is to talk to people – in the organisation, in the team (there is always a contact officer for every job, for a reason!) and try to feel out how good a fit you are. If you think you can handle it, aim higher! After all, you’re not the one doing the assessing, so throw your hat in the ring, be honest, and you might get a pleasant surprise.
Office Administrator
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